This weeks roundup of some interesting mobile blog posts over at Carnival of the Mobilists, hosted by mobbu.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Game widget - time waster
My best is Level 33 Requires Flash9 player in your web browser...
(Apologies for those reading this on mobile as the game will not display - its a web widget only)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Useful mobile wap review and content site
Came across a useful site for mobile WAP content services and reviews that was new to me at least although it looks like it has been going for a while: wapreviewThere's also a PDA/Mobile version of course, point your mobile browser to and let the proxy render the content goodness to your device.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Apple theme for your S60
For those that just can't get enough of Apple and currently have an S60 phone... get your Apple OS theme from
Here's a an N95 screenshot showing an installed Tiger theme.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
The mobile device game hots up
You have to hand it to Apple, after years of speculation Apple finally launched their iPhone today and by the looks of it certainly will make the other major handset manufacturers think a little. Apple certainly don't follow the crowd, and the design specification looks impressive (no buttons!)...
...clever to hook up with Google and Yahoo for the press announcement too. Competition is good ...
I wonder what microsoft are thinking though...
Loads more detailed pictures at Engadget...scroll half way down the post.
[update] looks very similar to LG's Design 2006 award winning phone concept KE850...engadget again has the details.
Friday, January 05, 2007
2007 - what's ahead for the mobile industry ?
As usual at this time of year, the bold make their predictions for what's going to happen in 2007.
The only prediction I will make is that the mobile industry is going to see a ** vast **amount of of activity again, just like 2006 with disruption / synergies and the like continuing as we saw in last year...
Hardly a useful prediction, I know, but exciting to be in a growth industry like mobile telco. Here's links to some of the pundit predictions :
Mobile specific
1) David Cushman
2) Telebusillis
General web/media
3) John Battelle
4) BBC
And a far more comprehensive excellent review of multiple predcitions impacting Telco and web at the Telco2.0 blog.
Readers of the blog will know I'm particularly interested in mobile applications and content innovations and try to keep a very close eye on what's going on this area. 2007 looks to see the trend of increasing mobile content uptake by the masses.
As ever, there's some great new handsets coming in 2007 as well with a mix of fashion and functionality:
LG with their Shiny (chocolate replacement) and Sony Ericsson with their "AI" slim phone, Motorola continue with linux based phones and Nokia with their n and eseries evolution and mid-tier-approaching-smartphone units. Samsung as well of course continue to innovate in handset design and are very quick to adopt new trends such as slim form factors, higher resolution displays.... and that's not to mention potential apple or google phones...
Roll on 2007...